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Across political affiliations, majority of voters are concerned about political influence in schools.

  • 85% of Democrats and 86% of Independents are very or somewhat concerned about political influence in public schools.

  • 97% of Republicans are very or somewhat concerned.

Majority Support Charter Schools


The majority of respondents want parents to have choices for their child’s education — 52% say they would support a charter school in their community.

Majority believe parents should be notified if a child wants to use a different gender identity.

  • 92% of Republicans

  • 71% of Independents

  • 50% of Democrats

  • 81% of males and 67% of females

Most Virginians agree that parents should be notified about sexually explicit images in school curriculum.

  • Only 17% disagree.

When it comes to who should have more responsibility over what students are taught, the responses are much closer.

Most Virginians believe that parental affirmation of a child’s preferred gender identity shouldn’t be a factor in custody hearings.

California recently passed a law requiring judges to consider whether a parent acknowledges the child’s gender identity when reviewing custody cases. Similar legislation has been introduced in Virginia.