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79% believe “gambling & gaming” should be legal

  • 45% believe all gaming should be legal
  • 34% believe limited forms of highly regulated gambling should be legal

Virginians believe revenue from casinos should go to education

  • 32% say money should go to education

  • 1 in 4 say they do not support adding a casino, regardless of where the money goes.

When it comes to skill games, those surveyed don’t seem to have strong opinions

  • When asked if skill games should be allowed or banned, 38% say allowed, 31% say banned, and 31% say they aren’t sure.
  • When voters were asked if they support regulation more than a full ban on skill games, support for regulation registered at 37% compared to 32% opposing.
  • When framed as “competition to casinos,” opposition to skill games rose to 40% with 29% support.
  • Sharing that Skill Games were found primarily in small businesses and restaurants did little to build support with 63% saying that information made no difference to them.

When it comes to sportsbook betting, which was legalized two years ago, 41% oppose removing the ban to be able to bet on virginia college teams.

  • 35% support removing the ban with 23% saying they are unsure.

Largest margins of consensus came when voters were asked about referendums for other forms of gaming and age restrictions.

“In 2020, the General Assembly approved casinos in five localities, and as part of that process, required a referendum to allow the voters to determine whether a local casino should be added to their community. Should other forms of gaming – including skill games – be required to undergo a referendum before being legalized?”


“Virginia state law requires a person to be at least 21 years of age to be on a casino floor. Should that age requirement be applied to establishments that have slot-like machines?”